
Did you know? Canned cat food products can contain fake meat! — 11 Comments

  1. Thanks for this article. While I guess I kinda knew about this, I wanted to believe that the pet food industry had some decency. I guess not. People need to be aware that their pet’s health comes AFTER the almighty dollar. The pet food industry (“food” used loosely) is all about profit regardless of the cost. It is such a shady business that it is hard to believe that this is all legal. Best course of action: vote with your dollar. Vote for raw fresh diets.

  2. That is scary information. I have always wondered about the colorful vegetable chunks that come in some of the canned dog foods too.

      • You are spot on correct, Tracy. Not only do they have no need of them, being forced to eat such species-inappropriate foods can cause a host of issues.

        And once you get past the whole, “OMG, RAW!” phase, it’s no more difficult than feeding kids. Less, actually, since you don’t need quite as much variety! 🙂

    • Scary indeed, Carol. I wouldn’t feed any of the standard commercial food products to my kitties if they were handed to me free.

      As for dog foods, most of the CatCentric team members are focused solely on cats, so I’ve no guess what those colorful chunks might be. might have an answer for you, though!

  3. I always try my cat’s can food when I buy a new kind. I’ve noticed many of those can foods use a
    fake meat which is made by rubber.
    Since the gravy is very tasty the
    manufacturer can easily fool you,

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