Lots of new updates to CatCentric.org!
I’m very pleased to present several new updates to the site.
First, after receiving several requests (see, I do listen to my fans!), I began pulling together a comparison of commercial raw products. I’d scarcely begun before a dear friend, Laurie Goldstein, offered to compile the data for me (Laurie, your enthusiasm for the project and your awesome attention to detail is greatly appreciated!). As you review this data, keep in mind that commercial raw products should be given the same careful attention to their ingredients and quality control as you would give to any commercial food you were considering for your cat’s menu. Grains, fruits and vegetables should be kept to minimal levels (5% or less) or, preferably, not fed at all. Supplements – especially synthetic or plant-based varieties – should also be avoided. And if you have any questions about the specific products, always go the product website for the most current updates. (Click here for an Excel ’97-2003 version of the overview.)
For frankenprey feeders, I’ve created and uploaded a frankenprey feeding calculator. You can use to this to determine how many ounces of meat, bone and organ to feed in a frankenprey menu; just input your cat’s weight, your desired weight percentage (usually 3%), and the number of days over which you wish to balance the diet (usually 7). (Click here for an Excel ’97-2003 version of the calculator.)
Also for those interested in frankenprey feeding, here’s a copy of my current frankenprey weekly feeding schedule. As you know, feeding frankenprey entails less initial preparation than grinding, minimal or no supplementation, and fewer tools, but it requires strict adherence to a feeding schedule to ensure the proper nutrient balance is maintained. Writing your schedule down and keeping it somewhere handy helps keep “diet drift” under control and ensures that oh-so-important nutrient balance doesn’t get distorted. I keep mine posted on the fridge!
I’ve also added a “Testimonials” page to which I’m posting amazing stories of improvements in the health of cats transitioned to raw, inspirational stories of successful, if difficult, transitions, and comments of appreciation and gratitude sent by thoughtful individuals with whom I have worked.
If you’re still feeding canned products – don’t feel left out! I’ve updated the “Canned Foods” page with some new information on FDA labeling regulations, and added a section on converting content percentages to a Dry Matter Basis (DMB). Even better, I’ve created and uploaded a DMB Calculator for your use! (Click here for an Excel ’97-2003 version of the calculator.)
The “Resource Center” and “Studies and Publications” pages have also been updated a bit, with several new links and studies added.
I’ve also written a new article titled, “Raw feeding your house-cat: What’s all the fuss about?” that I hope neatly sums up the reasons we should be feeding our cats a natural diet as opposed to the more popular commercial diets. Please feel free to link to this article as as often as you like, and forward it to anyone who doubts the importance of feeding obligate carnivores a species-appropriate diet!
Finally, I’m tickled to say I’ve been receiving increasingly more email from CatCentric readers. I’m always excited to hear from you, truly!, but I’d like to ask that if you have questions, you post them to CatCentric.org’s Facebook page; there may be others with the same question who will benefit from our conversation. I know the Facebook page is new and it’s always scary being the first to post, but I would like that page to become our discussion arena, our “community” if you will.
The concept of raw feeding is beginning to take hold as more and more individuals, veterinarians and even retail businesses realize it is not a radical fad, but a common sense practice that has been lost and is only now being rediscovered. Stay strong and keep spreading the word!
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Lots of new updates to CatCentric.org! — No Comments