
Good News: A Change of Heart and an Updated Declaw Policy! — 4 Comments

  1. This statement actually adds very little to the facts or discussion in that it continues to “keep the door open” for the practice to continue: “declawing may warrant consideration as an alternative to relinquishment or euthanasia, but only after”…..etc, etc, etc,with the usual claim in the false belief that education and disclosure will be part of decision-making…which evidence shows DOES NOT HAPPEN; BTW it wouldn’t be “euthanasia” but sanctioning the KILLING of an otherwise HEALTHY cat! and such statements as …”the current data regarding behavioral issues following declawing is insufficient”……only adds to the obfuscation and is, in fact, erroneous in light of the fact that there is an enormous amount of documented evidence regarding the negative effects of declawing, both short and long-term.

    • Absolutely 100% agree with Tony Porcaro.

      The AAHA is side stepping taking a stand, the only policy that gives the correct message is “We completely oppose declaw surgery except for medical necessities such as tumours or severe infection.

      Having a policy which includes a ‘get out of jail free card’ such as “declawing may warrant consideration as an alternative to relinquishment or euthanasia, but only after” is really doing nothing to bring about change.

  2. Thank you Dr. Hammerle for honoring your oath, to heal, help animals not cripple (declawing) & I’m hoping & praying other veterinarians will follow suite.

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