You guys rock!

I’m so excited, I just had to share with all of you!
As you may know, CatCentric is 100% supported by donations, either through direct contributions or through the affiliate links on our Shopping page… and, ho boy, did you guys go shopping last month!
Last month, you generated almost as much in affiliate commissions as you did for all of last year, and this month is on track to be even better!!
It costs hundreds of dollars annually to execute CatCentric’s mission, and every penny you raise means more owners educated and more kitties on the path to good health. This is my passion – my life, really, since Ollie died – and I can’t thank you enough for everything you are doing to help!!! God bless every single one of you!
#CatCentric #MakingADifference #ItsAllAboutTheCats
And just in case you didn’t know that you could bookmark our Amazon link on your phone, here’s an easy tutorial!
-Uninstall your old amazon bookmark (if you have one).
-Click this link: “Click here to start shopping on now!”
-Click on the 3 horizontal dots in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
-Choose “Add to Home screen”.
-Choose “ADD”.
-Boom! A link to Amazon via our affiliate account is now on your home screen!
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You guys rock! — No Comments