Looking for that popular Catification book or that must-have Da-Bird toy? Browse these Affiliate Links to find everything on your shopping list!
As the site has grown, I’ve received many requests to provide links to the toys, books, and health care products mentioned in blog posts and articles (especially in the Health Care section). Well, here you go! Now you can purchase the exact products recommended by the CatCentric writers and at the same time generate a small commission to help support the CatCentric mission, without costing you anything extra. It’s a total win-win! 🙂
(Of course, you can make a direct donation to support our outreach efforts anytime! If you do, please know you have our heartfelt appreciation!)
Buy everything from your dad’s birthday socks to your favorite shampoo to your new Armarkat cat tree on Amazon and support us while you do it!
Click here to start shopping on Amazon.com now!
Use iGive to shop at more than 1,700 stores, including Petco, BestBuy,
Overstock and Travelocity! Click here to start shopping now!
Cozy Cat Furniture

Cozy Cat Furniture products are high quality, and the company owners are good people who
do a lot of work with rescues, donating products and sponsoring events on a regular basis.
In other words, they’re our kind of people! 🙂
Pick out your kitty’s soon-to-be-favorite cat tree now!
Healthful Dog Magazine
Get the UK’s premier holistic pet magazine! (Yours truly has an article in every issue! 😉 )
Use the code “Catcentric10” and get 10% off your subscription rate!
Non-Affiliate Shopping Recommendations
Check out this new addition to our shopping suggestions!
Kool Kitty Toys is owned by disabled Navy veteran Joel Jackowski, and
all the customized products and repair work is done by disabled vets.
The company also does a lot of fostering and rescue support work. As
both a veteran and a cat lover, I’m delighted to have the opportunity to
support Joel’s work!
Contact Joel on the Kool Kitty Toys website or Facebook page and talk
to him about your customized kitty needs!
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Created 01/21/16; Updated 10/30/17